Here I Kome Kolkata
I feel so lucky to be an American. Truly. This trip has really put into perspective for me how different life is in some of the most remote places on the planet. I take a lot of things for granted coming from the US of A and I think I've gained a much greater appreciation for my life and my upbringing. That being said, my passion for development and health has inflamed alongside that appreciation of home. Something out there is calling me to work in this field and I couldn't feel more aligned with taking the steps to enter the Peace Corps next spring. Maybe I'll end up doing Water and Sanitation in Vanuatu? That Peace Corps job has been on my mind a lot more recently. I still am very interested in working in West Africa because I want to develop my language skills there, but I am very unsure about where I will end up.
India was knocked out of the Cricket World Cup yesterday. So sad! They were looking really great as a team and now the final three teams are all from white, developed countries (AUS, NZ, ENG). I actually enjoy watching cricket way more than I thought I would at the beginning of the summer when the world cup started. It's a very fascinating sport and I actually can hit the ball (unless my friends were just taking it easy on me, which is likely). I'd probably suck either way in the outfield though :,).
Hey! Reach out to me! I'd love to chat with any one of you on what your summer has been like or how India has been for me. Language barriers can make communication very difficult here, so its a very cherished moment when one of my friends from home gives me a Facebook Messenger call (don't forget about the time difference). If you don't want to call, just send me an update about you! I have already reconnected with so many people who I fell out of talking with and it really feels so right.
I'll send some pics from Kolkata :)
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