High-Speed WiFi!
I just got back to Titagarh from central Kolkata, where I spent the day with some of my WASHi coworkers. They are wonderful and really showed me a great time. Over the last few days I’ve gotten to see a lot of sanitation blocks, I’ve been invited into homes, I’ve had my picture taken with everyone in earshot of my voice (which is very loud). This particular place and this summer has been unforgettable. Though, I am undoubtedly exhausted. I have just over 1 more week here in India and I am definitely looking forward to going back home.
I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss the ease that comes with being an American, an ease that I never was really able to appreciate until coming here. I have taken so much for granted in my life that I could never have realized. But, for everything that I miss back home, where my home will always be, I am more impassioned than ever towards pursuing a career in health and international development. I know even from the short trainings that I’ve done here that I am meant to be a learner and I am meant to be a teacher. This market of knowledge gives me energy and fills my lungs.
I can say firmly that I am a far different person now than I was at the beginning of this internship. I think mostly in a good way. I’ve begun to value my relationships so much more and I’m trying to make amends to some connections I’ve let wither away in the US. I already know how my relationships can help me develop professionally, that’s not my motivation for this. I have started to feel a lot more compassion in my life for human connection and for bringing joy to others. It’s nearly impossible for me to explain where this came from or what deep inside of me fuels it, but I definitely think moving 9 thousand miles away from every person you know and love was at least a factor.
I am very lucky that the WASH Institute has been so supportive throughout my journey here, giving me opportunities to travel around the country, standing up for me when the language barrier slaps me in the face, and listening to my recommendations and requests. I sincerely think that traveling throughout India and also getting out of the American bubble I could have been trapped in, in Dehi, was very necessary to my development. I also am so thankful to everyone and all the organizations who have been so supportive of me in my effort to get here, in my education, and through mentor ship.
I’ll be taking it easy this evening (morning for you) and tomorrow, in preparation for my final few days with these amazing people. I’ve got high-speed WiFi so shoot me a message if you want to chat! GoPro footage coming soon.
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