
I've purchased a  *one-way* plane ticket! I'll be going to Dindigul, which is a city in Tamil Nadu (one of the southernmost states in India). I'll be flying through Chennai to Madurai, which isn't shown above, then I'll be driven to Dindigul and more specifically a very small town called Reddiyarchatram. I have housing secured for 1.5 months, so it is likely I won't be coming back to New Delhi for a long time. While in Dindigul I will be traveling to all kinds of places where there are WASH Institute projects going on and where I'll be able to learn so much.

I'm also excited about going to Ramanathapuram and Thiruppullani, where I'll be testing water qualities throughout the coast and trying to build towards a more sustainable future for the people that live there. I'll probably make it over to Kerala or Karnataka, but I won't really know my schedule until I end up at the WASH Office in Dindigul, this Saturday. 

My work continues to be primarily focused on reading and learning, there is so much more information on Fecal Sludge Management than I realized. Also, today I started researching mobile septage treatment units, which is the main project in Dindigul, because the team there is going to have to edit their trucks due to new regulations which *might* be imposed by the Central Pollution Control Board, which is essentially the EPA for India. More regulation means more difficulty in the waste management sector, but it also means cleaner drinking water for the people who live downhill! Stay tuned for updates.


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