So I returned from Pondicherry this morning, arriving just after 4 AM. One of the main methods of travel between cities here are Sleeper Buses.... which are very uncomfortable and don't provide much sleep, but it was definitely cheap travel to go over 300 KMs, each way. I slept through my alarm, nearly missed the second bus to work, and choked on cold tea, but I'm surviving. My weekend in Pondicherry was unforgettable and I'm very lucky I had a Pondy native to show me all around.
It was really the first time since I've been here that I've felt like a tourist. But that's not why I'm here, right? I came to be a part of a very influential non-profit organization and to do what little I can to make the lives better of some, if any, people. I've been very dedicated to this goal and it was really hard for me to let myself relax and just enjoy the weekend on the coast. I thought about it constantly... In the cool AC of the high-end restaurants and the bright sun of the rock beach, my mind was floating around the inequality and poverty that is so heavily accepted here and what I could ever do to make it better. I don't know why I can't switch my brain off and just focus on the moment, but maybe that's a good thing? At least I know I'll be semi-okay at whatever job I end up working at in my career.
Who knows if I'll come to terms with myself about the touristy things I have an opportunity to do this weekend. I've got this entire week to figure that out! Also, Palm trees and Coconut trees look the same and it is impossible to tell the difference.
If you are going to be working on safe water supplies, any effective efforts will be welcome. Water contamination is the cause of much unnecessary illness. When I was in the Dominican Republic for one year studying Tropical Medicine, 85% of the population had intestinal parasites. Public Health efforts tried to eradicate it by giving every Dominican 200 mg of Mebendazole, But if they take the tablet with contaminated water, what is the use? The water supply must be protected with basic sanitation using appropriate technology whether chemical disinfection, separation of sewage from the water supply or a combination of methods. Hope for the people rests with you.
ReplyDeleteThis is so true! Thanks for the insight.