
Today I got my first chance to traverse the city! I am no longer jet-lagged and I am very happy about that. We decided to celebrate my newfound energy by heading out to see some guy's tomb. Turns out it was Emperor Humayun's tomb, who was the second Emperor of the Mughal Empire. Saw some fantastically beautiful architecture, the Sunder Nursery, and some stray dogs while we were out!

It was wavering at about 109 degrees Fahrenheit today, where there was an immense temperature difference in the shade. We used every ounce of energy we had an saw some amazing sights. I started using my GoPro today, so keep an eye out on Facebook for when I throw that up there! If you don't have Facebook send me a message or post a comment and I'll help you out.

I'm beginning to struggle with the concept of how much money residents in Delhi make and how difficult it can be for so many people to survive? I ordered food last night and there was a comment in my delivery driver's bio, where he said he was wishing to have a car one day. It made me pretty sad and I know I am going to see so much worse. We drove past some very tenement-like buildings today while we were in a rickshaw and it made our jaws drop (I missed it with my camera unfortunately). In 2011, the poverty headcount for India was about 22 percent. This is based on the national poverty line, compared to 12.3 percent for the US in 2017.

The things I will see on this trip have only just begun.


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