
Showing posts from July, 2019

High-Speed WiFi!

I just got back to Titagarh from central Kolkata, where I spent the day with some of my WASHi coworkers. They are wonderful and really showed me a great time. Over the last few days I’ve gotten to see a lot of sanitation blocks, I’ve been invited into homes, I’ve had my picture taken with everyone in earshot of my voice (which is very loud). This particular place and this summer has been unforgettable. Though, I am undoubtedly exhausted. I have just over 1 more week here in India and I am definitely looking forward to going back home. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss the ease that comes with being an American, an ease that I never was really able to appreciate until coming here. I have taken so much for granted in my life that I could never have realized. But, for everything that I miss back home, where my home will always be, I am more impassioned than ever towards pursuing a career in health and international development. I know even from the short trainings that I’...

Here I Kome Kolkata

Hi Everyone, sorry for the absence. Next Tuesday I am heading to Kolkata (a.k.a. Calcutta) for one week, then I'll be in Delhi for one week, then I'll be HOME!!! Can you imagine? 6 weeks has already gone by and it feels so weird to say that. I've made so many friends and I've been treated so well. The time has flown by but I have also seen so much! I feel so lucky to be an American. Truly. This trip has really put into perspective for me how different life is in some of the most remote places on the planet. I take a lot of things for granted coming from the US of A and I think I've gained a much greater appreciation for my life and my upbringing. That being said, my passion for development and health has inflamed alongside that appreciation of home. Something out there is calling me to work in this field and I couldn't feel more aligned with taking the steps to enter the Peace Corps next spring. Maybe I'll end up doing Water and Sanitation in Vanuatu? Tha...