Hey Everyone!
I am so excited to be leaving for India today and I couldn't stress more how thankful I am for everyone that has been so key in my success. I wouldn't be here without support from my family, my professors, my friends, and my coworkers.
In case you missed it: this summer I'll be working with the WASH Institute, beginning in New Delhi and then moving across India to cities in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. The WASH Institute is a non-profit which is funded by organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to provide technical assistance to India's Ministry of Housing. Access to water and sanitation services is a huge problem across India and I'll be working to improve that through policy writing, work with grassroots organizations, and creation of new models for water, sanitation, and hygiene. You can find more information about the WASH Institute here.
Today I will be flying to Zurich, Switzerland, then to New Delhi after a short layover. I'm a little worried about flying so far, but I know that once I've arrived in India I'll be much more at peace. I decided to take my GoPro with me to India, so plan on seeing a lot of footage! I had a lot of fun blasting videos out to all of my Facebook friends when I went to Italy, so there will definitely not be a shortage of things to see, especially with me being away for two months!
If we aren't friends on Facebook, check me out here. My phone number will not work while I'm abroad, so Facebook messenger is probably the easiest way to contact me. You can also email me at rsh5xe@virginia.edu or comment below! Please don't hesitate to reach out. This trip will be an immense learning experience for me and any help digesting it all will be essential.
Thanks for reading, talk soon!
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